*also reflects firm commitments


Our Campaign Goals & Vision for the Future

We have finalized the gratis lease on 10 acres of land given to us by Santee Cooper!  Our goal of raising at least $8 million is also well under way with over $5.3 million raised so far including cash reserves allocated for the building fund, Naming Opportunity commitments, a $500,000 commitment from the City of Myrtle Beach in addition to the yearly grant we receive and a $2 million line item in the 2024-25 South Carolina state budget. We also have pledges from private donors and corporations but we are still seeking an additional $2.7-$3.5 million to complete the facility which includes expanding the services and size of our low-cost veterinary clinic, building and furnishing our new Cat Cafe, Pooch Pavilion & Community Room, designing a Memorial Serenity Garden for those animals that have left us and adding more indoor & outdoor animal exercise areas including free roam cat rooms & additional dog playgrounds.

As we have all experienced the past few years life can be uncertain. There are also unexpected surprises when building and opening a new facility so we want to ensure that we are covered to handle them and make sure our first year of operation has a bit of a financial cushion. For those reasons we are also building a healthy operational reserve during our campaign drive.

Our vision for the new Grand Strand Humane Society is exciting and forward thinking in terms of sustainability in our building and room for future growth. Our new, modern facility will provide a comfortable, stress-free environment for animals in our care and offer space to accommodate quality educational and outreach programs for children and adults in our community as well as accommodate the future needs of our area’s homeless pet population. To continue our life-saving mission our goal is simple. Create a community-centered, community-focused resource to serve the growing community.

When you make a donation to our capital campaign you’ll be making a difference that will benefit our community for generations, and we will be honored to publicly recognize your generosity. We offer a variety of Naming Opportunities within the newly built spaces and across our programming, ranging from $500 to $1,750,000. Come along with us on this incredible journey with your tax-deductible donation. To learn how you can join our mission and make this new home a reality, email our committee today.

Our History

Grand Strand Humane Society was organized in April 1972. For fifty years we have been a safe haven for thousands of animals in need. Now, we are looking for our own safe haven. The last fifty years have seen monumental changes to both animal welfare and our community. Unfortunately, our current facilities no longer meet the needs of the Myrtle Beach area because of the tremendous growth and expansion we continue to experience.  With an increase in residents comes an increase on the strain of community services and resources. Unfortunately, this also includes the enormous about of animal abuse and animal abandonment cases brought to us. We simply cannot continue to take in the number of animals needed to be sheltered with the current facilities we have at our disposal. Our animals and community deserve better.

Did you know in 1972:

  • Richard Nixon was President
  • The cost of a gallon of gasoline was $.036
  • NASA’s Space Shuttle Program is officially launched
  • The Dow Jones closes above 1000 for the first time in history
  • A movie ticket cost $1.75
  • On April 18, 1972 Grand Strand Humane Society becomes incorporated



        2022 Statistics

Animals Taken In = 1923

Adoptions = 1316

Spay & Neuter Surgeries = 1532

Vaccines Given = 11922

This Campaign has ended. No more pledges can be made.

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